微软表示不是故意阻止 SSE44.2 (PopCnt) 的问题


微软表示不是故意阻止 SSE44.2 (PopCnt) 的问题

今天早些时候,微软发布了最新的 Windows 终端稳定版,其中的一项重大变化将对那些使用英特尔酷睿 2 Duos 等老式处理器的 PC 用户产生积极影响。该公司最近更新了编译器,之后编译器就停止了在缺少 PopCnt 和 SSE 4.2 指令的 CPU 上运行。

虽然用户开始质疑这家科技巨头背后的动机,但微软在 GitHub 上维护和管理终端 repo 的 Dustin L. Howett 证实,这并不是微软故意阻止没有这些指令的旧 CPU,即 Core 2 Duos、Core 2 Quads 或更旧的部件。

Howett 对此发表了评论:


MSVC 19.38 中存在一个编译器错误,导致 CPUID 指令的输出被误解等。事实证明,终端的 1057x 版本系列是使用 MSVC 19.38 构建的。

如果你想知道,微软最近修复了 Visual C++ Libraries (VCLibs) 软件包实施中的一个错误,该错误强制要求使用 SSE4.2。有关该更新的详细信息,请点击此处阅读我们的专门文章

Windows 终端稳定版 1.19.10821.0 的完整更新日志如下:


  • We've rolled back to an older compiler to get Terminal working on Intel Core 2 Duo machines again (!) (#16907)
  • ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW no longer fails on lines containing narrow surrogate pairs (#16898)
  • Auto-detected URLs and search results are no longer pushed around by wide characters (oops) (#16787) (thanks @comzyh and @lhecker!)
  • We will now display control characters literally if they were produced with the Windows Console APIs (#16825) (thanks @j4james!)
  • Entering the tab switcher via the command palette no longer selects the wrong tab (#16858) (thanks @AlejandroBlanco2001!)
  • All localizations are now checked into the project, so you can build any historic version with all of its original languages (#16835)

因此,下一个预览版本 1.20.10822.0 也已发布:


  • We've rolled back to an older compiler to get Terminal working on Intel Core 2 Duo machines again (!) (#16907)
  • ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW no longer fails on lines containing narrow surrogate pairs (#16898)
  • Auto-detected URLs and search results are no longer pushed around by wide characters (oops) (#16787) (thanks @comzyh and @lhecker!)
  • We will now display control characters literally if they were produced with the Windows Console APIs (#16825) (thanks @j4james!)
  • So many of you have screenshots that contain our "set terminal as default?" banner, which we take to mean that you never noticed it. We got rid of it. Balance is restored. (#16873)
  • Entering the tab switcher via the command palette no longer selects the wrong tab (#16858) (thanks @AlejandroBlanco2001!)
  • All localizations are now checked into the project, so you can build any historic version with all of its original languages (#16835)

你可以从 GitHub 页面下载最新的 Windows 终端稳定版:



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