微软正在为更多设备推出 2023 年 9 月固件更新,其中包括不受支持的 Surface Book 2(该设备于 2023 年 5 月 30 日支持到期)。该更新修复了一个安全漏洞,并提高了整体性能。它适用于以下设备:
- Surface Book 3
- Surface Book 2 (no longer supported)
- Surface Laptop Studio
- Surface Laptop 4 (Intel)
- Surface Laptop 3 (Intel)
- Surface Pro 7+
- 此更新可解决安全漏洞,并提高系统稳定性和性能。
Surface Book 3 and Laptop 3 (Intel):
Windows Update Name | Windows Device Manager |
Surface - Firmware - | Surface UEFI - Firmware |
Surface Book 2:
Windows Update Name | Windows Device Manager |
Surface - Firmware - 394.651.768.0 | Surface UEFI - Firmware |
Surface Laptop Studio and Laptop 4 (Intel):
Windows Update Name | Windows Device Manager |
Intel - SoftwareComponent - | Intel(R) iCLS Client - Software components |
Intel - System - 2240.3.4.0 | Intel(R) Management Engine Interface - System devices |
Surface - Firmware - 15.0.2235.2 | Surface ME - Firmware |
Surface ME - Firmware | Surface UEFI - Firmware |
Surface Pro 7+:
Windows Update Name | Windows Device Manager |
Quectel Incorporated - Sensors - | Surface Mobile Broadband GPS - Sensors |
Dolby - Extension - 8.605.313.22 | Dolby Device - Extension |
Dolby - SoftwareComponent - 3.30201.210.0 | DolbyAPO Software Device (HAS) - Software components |
Dolby - SoftwareComponent - 3.30508.581.0 | Dolby APO SWC Device - Software components |
Intel – Software Component - | Intel(R) ICLS Client - Software devices |
Intel - System - 2240.3.4.0 | Intel(R) Management Engine Interface - System Devices |
Surface - Firmware - 15.0.2235.2 | Surface ME - Firmware |
Surface - Firmware - | Surface UEFI – Firmware |
支持设备 |
版本 | Windows 10 version 21H2 and newer |
如何更新 | Windows Update Surface Support website: |
其他步骤 | Surface Laptop 3 (Intel):
如果 WLAN 出现无法连接: 选择开始 > 电源 > 关机。10 秒钟后,按住电源按钮重新打开设备,直到徽标屏幕出现、消失并再次出现(约 20 秒)。 |
已知问题 | 这些更新中没有已知问题 |
另外,微软还为 Surface Pro 7、Surface Laptop 5 和 Surface Pro X 等其他设备发布了 Surface September 2023 固件更新。